On April 26, 2017, Jarron Collins, Assistant Coach of the Golden State Warriors, and his twin brother, retired NBA player, Jason Collins, visited Malcolm X Academy in San Francisco, CA in support of the Wasserman Foundation’s partnership with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. The Collins twins took a tour of the school, spoke to the students about healthy living, and taught them some of their favorite basketball drills.
The Collins twins’ visit is a reward for Malcolm X Academy, which prioritizes health, wellness, and fitness for a student population that has had adverse childhood experiences in a highly distressed community with severe health disparities. At Malcolm X, every child receives a free breakfast, lunch, and dinner as part of its Healthy School Initiative to make sure every child has the nourishment needed to learn. The school also has a wellness policy prohibiting chips and sugary drinks, recently launched a “walking school bus,” and has an upcoming health-themed talent show.
Photo credit: Drew Bird